Seasons: The Cause Of Changes In A Year

Weather conditions vary throughout the year. These changes provide four major seasons, winter, summer, spring, and autumn. Seasons vary in characteristics and affect life on earth. This discussion dwells more on the nature and occurrence of seasons. Seasons are based on celestial influence where they are denoted by positions around the sun. There are also variations due to the earth tilting. Seasons are assigned to given months which show weather consistency.

Descriptions of the Four Seasons

Descriptions vary with locations but some transcend all boundaries. Spring is described as the season when seeds start to germinate and grow. During this time, the weather is warm and humid. This is the time most animals are born. Ice melts and high amounts of rainfall that can cause floods are experienced. During summer, temperatures reach their peak for the year. This is when heat waves and droughts occur. This causes health problems and deaths among humans, animals, and plants. Rivers dry up and forest fires scorch the land. Some areas especially in coastal regions may experience increased rainfall.

In autumn temperatures cool down and dormant growth is seen in plants. Animals start migrating in search of warmer climates. They also prepare for the coming season by storing food. Among humans, there are many cultural events held to celebrate bountiful harvests. Winter is the cold and chilly season. A few areas experience ice and snow while others receive cold rain. Animals hibernate in search of Kink warmth. Winter celebrations are based on appreciating the return of light.

Sun and Earth Relations

Characteristics and timing of seasons are determined by the earth’s position. The earth revolves around the sun in an elliptical shape. This causes variations in the amount of solar radiation received on the earth’s surface. Seasons are related to specific positions of the earth around the sun. Extreme positions provide summer and winter seasons. The earth also tends to tilt along its axis. This causes variations in seasons between the tropics and equatorial regions.

Polar and Tropical Variations

Weather conditions around the equator show little variations. Warm summers are barely discernible from balmy winters. The equatorial region forms the outermost curve of the earth where radiation is received constantly. Polar regions experience significant changes. Equatorial regions experience hot summers and tropical regions experience icier winters.